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Important Things To Give Your Web Developer

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When you first start communication with your web developer he or she will need to know a few things about your and your project.

Below is a list of things that you may want to have ready before contacting a developer. They will have a list of questions for you regarding your site, and many of the things below will be on their list:

Communication Desires - It is very helpful to let your web designer know how you like to communicate. Who will be your person of contact? Do you like to correspond through email, phone or text? Do you have hours that work best for you or hours that don’t work at all?

Adjectives - What are three adjectives you want visitors to think of when they visit your site? Do you want them to think "Professional"? "Edgy"? "Cool"? "Sleek"? "Modern"? "Grungy"?

Your Audience - Who are you trying to target? Are you selling a service to the general public? Are you aiming more towards other businesses (B2B)?

Project Timeline - How fast do you need your website completed? Is this a rush project or something that has a specific deadline?

Current website - Do you have a current website or is the one you are making going to be your first one? Do you have a domain name yet or do you have one in mind? If you already have a website make sure to have your control panel and FTP username and password so that when your web developer needs it you can give it to him or her.

Sample Sites - What are some sites that you like? What do you like about them? Do you have sites that you hate?

Competition - Do you have competitors? What are their websites? Is there anything that your competition is doing that you would like to do as well? The navigation? Colors? Copy**/**Content? Functionality? Make sure to send them!

Images - Do you have any images that you have for your business? If not, are you going to take some or do you want to use stock photography?

Hosting - Do you have a hosting provider? Do you have an on site server? If not, do you have any in mind or do you need recommendations?

Type of site - Are you looking to have a brochure type of site, a blog, or an ecommerce platform? Do you need a CMS (content management system) to give you the ability to update your website on your own?

Lead Generating Websites Starting At $150/month

Questions? Let's talk and see if I'm a good fit for your business.

(Expect a fast reply 😁)