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5 Elements Your Website’s Homepage Absolutely Must Have

Illustration of a web page

It can be confusing knowing exactly what to put on your website. You want to give a potential customer enough information to encourage them to make a purchase, but you don’t want to give so much detail that they feel overwhelmed and head over to a competitor’s site instead. Here are some of the key elements your website’s homepage must include in order to grab a potential customer’s attention:

A strong headline

What is your business all about? What goods or services do you offer? A commanding headline makes all of this immediately clear, and lets a visitor know why they should stick around.

Calls to action

People who come to your site need a little guidance about what they should do while they’re there. Should they download your eBook? Request a free consultation? If you have a specific action you’d like them to take, let them know!

Visually appealing images

Before someone decides to work with you, they want to know a little more about you. What does your staff look like? What is your office like? What do your products look like? Give them updated, aesthetically pleasing images that they can easily find and browse. No stock photos, please!


Even customers who are already sold on the benefits of your goods or services want to know why they should work with you, specifically, instead of your competition. Don’t be bashful! Tell them the benefits they’ll enjoy when they partner with you. How will their life improve? What changes will they see?

A way to get in touch

You’d be surprised how many well-meaning business owners fail to land sales because they don’t make it easy enough for interested visitors to make a purchase via their website. You should have multiple places on your site where someone can get in touch with you if they’re interested in learning more or making a purchase. Even if you don’t want to have an ecommerce section on your site, make sure that you very clearly list an email address and phone number so they can get more information from you.

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