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The Elements Any Physician’s Website Must Include

man filling out patient intake questions on paper

When you’re in the medical field, your website becomes a powerful tool that connects you with current and potential patients. But what exactly must be included on the site in order to make it as valuable as possible? Here are a few key elements on which to focus your time and attention:

New patient forms

We’ve all been to a doctor’s office where we’ve had to sit for 20 minutes and fill out form after form before the appointment could begin. Not only is this tedious, but it can also slow down the process of getting in to see your medical provider. Cut down on some of this by allowing new patients to fill out necessary paperwork before they even set foot in your office. This enables you to process their paperwork in advance and helps to speed up the process of getting patients in and out.

Details about the services you provide

The kinds of services you provide may seem obvious to you, but to a potential new patient unfamiliar with your area of expertise, a list of exactly how you can help is extremely useful. What kinds of conditions do you treat? What treatments can you provide to ease their symptoms? How does a person know when it’s time to come see you? Taking the time to detail this information on your website makes good use of page space.

Contact information

Make it simple for would-be patients to find you. List phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and office addresses in easy-to-locate spots.


For physicians, few things are as powerful as patient testimonials. You can speak about your passion for your field, the high-tech tools you use, and your training. But nothing beats the ability to read about the positive experience a past patient has had. When possible, collect testimonials from patients and make them available to browse on your website.

You’ll also find that including photos of your office and your staff encourages people to make an appointment. If you’re a physician looking for some help making your website as effective as possible for your practice, contact me today.

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