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Goodbye Packets

You’ve successfully finished an engagement with one of your clients.

They’re happy, you’re happy, you’ve high-fived and there’s confetti floating down from the ceiling as your client skips off into the sunset. You're done!

Or are you?

Do you have a client wrap-up process? A routine that you follow at the end of a successful engagement to ensure your customer’s success (as well as yours)?

It’s so tempting jump straight to the next thing after you finish working with a customer, but if you take the time to close an engagement, your client will be happy and feel well taken care of and you’ll be able to capitalize on their success.

There are 3 things you need to make sure you include in your client wrap-up process:

  • Give your client any materials that they need to continue their success (brochures, pamphlets, passwords, cheat sheets, FAQs. You could present this in well designed, branded package and call it a “Goodbye Packet”)
  • Collect Feedback & Testimonials – This is the perfect time to ask your client for a testimonial – you and your work will be fresh in their mind. You could also remind them to leave you a review on third party review websites (like Google Business or Yelp)
  • Give Opportunities for continuing work together - Just because your engagement with them has ended, it doesn’t mean you need to shut the door on working with them. In fact, you should use this chance to open the door to your other service offerings – or to simply extending your program.

A wrap-up process doesn’t just make things easier for you, it makes things easier for your clients as well.

Instead of having to email you with questions if they get stuck, they can just refer to the resources that you gave them.

A well-defined wrap-up process reduces your workload, makes your clients happier, allows you to build up your testimonials and even sell more of your services.

What does your wrap-up process currently look like?.

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