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How to make your web content feel authentic

Golden retriever laying in grass

As you’re crafting the content for your business’s website, you may struggle to toe the line between selling your products and coming across as fake. You want the reader to engage with what you’re saying, while still ensuring that you drive home the points about why they should purchase your products, specifically, and not those of your competitor. Here’s how to keep your website feeling authentic and enjoyable to browse:

Know your brand voice

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a law firm, a restaurant, or a mobile pet groomer. Your company has a brand voice. When you know that voice, it makes designing and writing a website much easier. You can keep that voice in mind and make sure the copy and images on your site are representative of how you want your customer base to see you. For example, if your brand is a little zany and offbeat, your web copy should be too. If you’re using too many semicolons, you know you’re doing something wrong. On the flip side, if you want to be viewed as an authority in your field and a trusted resource, you shouldn’t be throwing the word “dude” into your web copy.

Let your customers speak for you

You want to drive the message home that your products are great, but repeating this message over and over again can get feel tiresome and overly sales-y. You can express this same message in a much more authentic way by soliciting testimonials from satisfied customers. Instead of you, Mr. or Ms. Business Owner, talking about how great your products are, now you’ve got Mr. or Ms. Satisfied Customer preaching your gospel for you. This is much more authentic and appealing to those who are considering making a purchase.

Keep it consistent

If you develop a strong brand voice, but then abandon this voice as soon as you jump to Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Consistency is key in order to demonstrate personality and authenticity to potential customers.

Think about what you’d find appealing

Sure, you’re a business owner, but in many situations you’re also a customer too. Use this to your advantage. Think about what your own customers would find appealing. What kind of language would they most like to read? What kind of images would they most like to see? What kind of communication style do they probably find most appealing? If you’re not sure, think about what you, yourself enjoy!

Need some guidance on infusing some authenticity back into your website? I’m here to help! Contact Me!

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