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What's your favorite pizza place?

Think about your favorite pizza restaurant. Your go-to pizza place. The place you order from when you have out of town guests visiting.

Got it in your head?

Great, now write me a testimonial and convince me to go try it...

It's not so easy, right?

It's hard when you ask somebody to drop what they're doing and give a testimonial - so don't do that when you're asking your clients for testimonials for your business.

Your best customers may be happy with your service and want to give you a great testimonial to spread the word, but it's not easy to do.

That's why when you ask customers for testimonials you get things back like:

"XYZ Chiropractic is one of the best chiropractic offices I've ever been to, I would highly recommend them to anyone"

It's not a bad testimonial, but it's bland and unoriginal - there's so much room for improvement.

Back to our pizza example: let's say that instead of asking you to give me a testimonial, I sent you the following questions:

  1. What did you find as a result of trying their food?
  2. What specific feature did you like most about the pizza?
  3. What would be three other benefits of ordering from this pizza place?
  4. What was the obstacle or hesitation that would have prevented you from trying the pizza place?
  5. Why would you recommend this pizza place?
  6. Is there anything you’d like to add?

Not only will those questions make it much easier for you to write your thoughts and opinions, but you’ll write a higher quality review. When the pizza place gets your answers, they could easily combine everything into a thoughtful and unique testimonial.

Now imagine what your business’s testimonials would like if you provided your clients and customers with questions to guide them.

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Questions? Let's talk and see if I'm a good fit for your business.

(Expect a fast reply 😁)